Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lab 2: Methods of conidiaphore for microscopy


To learn different methods for observing aspergelli conidiaphore under microscope.


1. Agar block: directly cut a big block of agar from a fungal culture plates and observe conidiaphore under microscope.

2. Riddell mount: put a piece of filter paper on a clean petri dish; wet the filter paper by pouring a little amount of autoclave water in it; put a bend glass rock in petri dish; place a slide on the glass rock; cut a agar block (a little smaller than a cover slide); gentelly place on the silde above the glass rock; inoculate the agar block with a fungal culture; gentelly place a cover slide on the top of agar block; close the petri dish; place in a moisture chamber; incubate at 28 degree for a few days. After the fungal hyphae grow up; gentelly lift the cover slide off the agar block; put on another slide with the hyphae side down; use some glass chips as spacer to avoid squash the conidiaphore.

1. Agar block method is good for observing fungal hyphae and conidiaphore with intact form. but the defect of this method is it's hard to focus on a single conidiaphore since the sample is thick which only allows to use 10x magnification for observing.


Aspergellus tamari: conidiaphore

Aspergellus sojae: conidiaphore

Aspergellus paraititis: conidiaphore

Aspergellus niger: conidiaphore and aerial hyphae

  Aspergellus nidulans: conidiaphore

Aspergellus flavus: conidiaphore

2. Riddell mount:

Aspergellus sojae: conidiaphore

Conclusion: both agar block and riddell mount method  are good for fungal conidiaphore observation. However, agar block method can’t get a close good at the conidiaphore since the thickness of the agar block. Riddell mount has a better chance to get a good image of conidiaphore because conidiaphore grow on the surface of the cover slide.

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