Wednesday, November 14, 2012

lab 11 Mushroom production and beer production continue

Today's schedule
1. Set mushroom kits
2. Rack Beer
3. Work on unknown

Oyster mushroom
Shiitake mushroom

Set up oyster mushroom kit
1. pull the mushroom bag out of the original box
2. place the mushroom bag in a foil pan
3. spray the bag with HEB water
4. cover the mushroom bag with a big plastic bag to keep the moisture and air
5. mist the mushroom bag 3-4 times everyday till the mushrooms come out

Left panel: Oyster mushroom already grow while the bag still in the box. 
Right panel: Oyster mushroom growth chamber set up. 

Set up shiitake mushroom
1. pull the mushroom bag out of the original box
2. place the mushroom bag in a foil pan
3. pour HEB water directly into the mushroom bag till extra water spill out
4. sit the bags for 2-4hr till all material is soaked well
5. wait for the mushrooms to come out.
 Shiitake mushroom need to get wet complete to start grow. This process need 2-4 hours.

Rack beer
1. sanitize the equipments with "Star San" sanitizer.
2. suck the beer into soft tubes from the first tank by mouth. Stick the tubes into the lower tank, beer will flow down to the tank on the floor by gravity. In this way, we remove the junk from liquid.
3. let the beer ferments in the room temperature for another week and bottled it up.
 There is junk flowed on the surface and bottom of fermented beer. The junk comes from grain, hops and yeast culture.
               Dr. Shaw explained to us what are we going to do next.
 We sanitized the tube set for transfer the beer from the old tank to the new tank for another week fermentation. Dr. Shaw helped for the mouth suck work. After the beer get into tube, they can flew to the lower bottle by gravity.

              Tranfer finished! We successfully get rid of the solid junk!

In addition to mushroom farm tour, we also try to produce mushroom by ourselves during this class section. It helps me understand more of how edible non-filamentous fungus is reproduced.I am excited to taste the mushroom grow by ourselves!

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