Monday, October 8, 2012

lab 4 Dimorphism and mating: Zygomycete and Basidiomycete

Observe the dimorphism for Mucor rouxii; observe ascospore, macroconidia and microconida for Neurospora; make cross for different mating type of Neurospora; inoculate Ustilago to maize seedlings and observe symptom development.
1. Different conidia form observation: use regular mounting method to observe dimorphism for Mucor rouxii; ascospore, macroconidia and microconida for Neurospora.
2. Cross: wet steriled loop, touch the side of tubes where Neurospora perithecia shot ascospores; inoculate the different mating type strain on opposite side of medium; incubate at room temperature for mating.
3. Ustilago infection:inject diluted  Ustilago spore suspension to maize stem.
1. Mucor rouxii has dimorphism, it can grow as yeast cell and hyphae. Dimorphism can be observed with a cross section Mucor culture medium. Hyphae will be observed on the upper layer. Yeast cell can be observed on the bottom layer. There are some transition cells in the middle layer.
Budding yeast cell.

2. Conidiaphore of Neurospora mutant: microconidia don't break from each other.

Ascospore of Neurospora

Macroconidia and microconidia of Neurospora
Macroconidia develop under normal condition, microconidia develop under poor nutrition condition, mostly involved in mating. 

Neurospora mating: different mating type strain hyphae grow toward each other, fuse to produce perithecia along the lines hyphae meet. 

3. Ustilago inoculation: one week after inoculation, there are galls appeared on the leaves.
Galls will develop into lesions with times. 


1 comment:

  1. A better description of some of these images would help. What are they showing, what are you trying to tell people about these fungi?
